Tuesday, January 29, 2008

February Nutshells

Children’s Liturgy of the Word “Nutshell messages” for Little Ones…

Together, the gospel and the eight Beatitudes will be the focus of our “nutshell messages” from now until our last meeting on May 4. During our eight meetings this year we will introduce the gospel messages “in a nutshell” – an easy way for children to learn that Jesus has a message for them in the Bible.

In 2008, we look forward to “Bee-ing full of the spirit” – truly getting our nourishment and thereby growing from our spiritual endeavors. We learn so much by preparing the gospel for your children. We want to full them up, too!

February 10

Gospel story, Matthew 4:1-11
Second Beatitude, “Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.”

Our nutshell message for these two weeks is “Be Prayer-full” – full of prayer. Jesus is tempted and is modeling making good choices for us. There are so many choices in life that effect your child. Many choices are her own. Discuss both good choices and poor choices with your child – perhaps healthy vs. unhealthy mealtime choices or picking out an appropriate outfit for a particular kind of weather… each choice has a consequence for which your child is responsible. Everyone makes mistakes, of course and this is where we ask God for his Divine Intervention: “Please God, I am prayerfully committed to making good choices for myself and my family. Please help me__________ today. Amen.” During your prayer routine, pray for God to help with a particular choice that’s been difficult. You can choose something to work on along with your child and thereby model this prayerful behavior. I personally pray often for patience. Some days my kids see God deliver and other days I fail. I’m human and they know it. J Lovely lessons!... My children pray for help on their own goals and we praise them when they’ve obviously worked with God to do well. Throughout the two weeks we celebrate being prayerfull, talk about Jesus and the kinds of choices he models for us. Weave in discussion of the Second Beatitude by thinking of it like this: “Happy are those who have done something wrong and are ready to not repeat it, for they are forgiven.” Prompt your child to ask for forgiveness from those whom they may have wronged, and be sure to also ask God for his forgiveness. Encourage children to notice the sense of peace when forgiveness is granted. It’s also important to point out that giving forgiveness is a great feeling, as well. I’m sure you’ll have many opportunities to apply this nutshell message.

February 24

Gospel story, John 4:5-42 “Jesus accepts everyone”
Third Beatitude, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”

We have chosen to interpret this week’s gospel as “Jesus accepts everyone”, and our nutshell message is simply: Be respect-full. Challenge yourself and your child to find a loving quality in anyone they meet – respecting that person whom God created. Talk about the concept of seeing others as God sees them. What do you enjoy about your own family members? Resolve to tell others how you respect their positive qualities. An amazing reinforcement for such an idea is the book You Are Special by Max Lucado. Another idea is to try not to hold a grudge with your child or others. Discussing this idea brings forward an understanding of the third beatitude – loosely interpreted as “Happy are those who are letting go of anger and hurt, for they will experience wonderful things in their lives.” Draw pictures of the wonderful gifts and blessings your child has. Mail the pictures to a relative who would appreciate the sentiment. Finally, practicing manners is a great way to be respectful. Teaching children to be respectful is a difficult job, but rewarding in the end (I hope!)

Thanks for allowing us to share some extended ideas for our nutshells. We hope this helps you continue your study of the gospel as you apply it to your lives with your children.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jan. 27 Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Children’s Liturgy. We are so happy you could join us this week! As we mentioned, our new theme, “Bee Full of the Spirit”, we focus on the week’s gospel story and the Beatitudes. This week, we combine the Matthew 4:12-23 and the first Beatitude into the nutshell “Faith-full”. We talked today about Jesus choosing faithful friends, how they choose to be faithful, or “think about God” often. Additionally, we talked about the first Beatitude – “Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” We talked about ways children can be faithful to God; by praying, thanking God, being kind to friends and family and so on. Finally, we played “Follow the Leader”, as a parallel to our following God. We encourage you to talk with your child about ways you are faithful – maybe faithful to sports teams – our households are partial to the Bengals – we are faithful fans, even when they don’t win! We stick faithfully to a routine – breakfast, lunch, dinner. Talk about other routines you are faithful to… going to church on Sundays, bedtime routines, etc. You are faithful to them because you are always thinking about them and find them important. Throughout the next two weeks, try to commit to one way to show your faith – using a devotional book, reading a Bible story. Have fun! We look forward to seeing you again at our next meeting on February 10.

Thanks again for your support of our program.

Amy Cribbs
Amy Mumper

This Month's Sponsor

We are grateful to the Holy Trinity Variety Show Players for their amazing support during the month of January. Their donation made all of our crafts and snacks possible, as well as the books the children received relevant to each session.

If you are interested in joining this terrific group, bring your dancing shoes to a practice! They meet at 1pm Sundays in the Parish Hall.