Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jan. 27 Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Children’s Liturgy. We are so happy you could join us this week! As we mentioned, our new theme, “Bee Full of the Spirit”, we focus on the week’s gospel story and the Beatitudes. This week, we combine the Matthew 4:12-23 and the first Beatitude into the nutshell “Faith-full”. We talked today about Jesus choosing faithful friends, how they choose to be faithful, or “think about God” often. Additionally, we talked about the first Beatitude – “Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” We talked about ways children can be faithful to God; by praying, thanking God, being kind to friends and family and so on. Finally, we played “Follow the Leader”, as a parallel to our following God. We encourage you to talk with your child about ways you are faithful – maybe faithful to sports teams – our households are partial to the Bengals – we are faithful fans, even when they don’t win! We stick faithfully to a routine – breakfast, lunch, dinner. Talk about other routines you are faithful to… going to church on Sundays, bedtime routines, etc. You are faithful to them because you are always thinking about them and find them important. Throughout the next two weeks, try to commit to one way to show your faith – using a devotional book, reading a Bible story. Have fun! We look forward to seeing you again at our next meeting on February 10.

Thanks again for your support of our program.

Amy Cribbs
Amy Mumper

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